Top Five Best Surf Podcasts

As a surfer you're often looking to get your fix of surfing when you're not in the water. This can come in many forms including surf magazines (like Wavelength), surf movies or clips online or books.
In more recent years another medium has become increasingly popular - the podcast. Typically an audio show (although some film them too), the podcast can be listened to on multiple devices, making it a great alternative to music, whether you're at home or on the move.
You can find a podcast on any topic imaginable these days and that's definitely the case for surfing, with over 85 surfing podcasts listed in Apple Podcasts library.
With so many available, we decided to select our top five podcasts (in no particular order) for you to get you started (or to give you some inspiration for something new).
1. Stab Podcast
Straight out of the Stab stable of surfing media comes the Stab Podcast. Presented by Michael Ciaramella and Stace Galbraith, this regular weekly podcast bills itself as having three main facets of "1. weekly surf news. 2. competition coverage and analysis. 3. interviews with the most interesting people in surfing.
As you would probably expect, it serves as a vehicle to promote content on Stab's website (such as the Stab In The Dark or The Electric Acid Surfboard Test series), but is also full of quality content and their reputation means they do get to chat to lots of good guests too.
It started back in 2017 and has over 290 episodes in its library.
2. Ain't That Swell
This is the epitome of Australian surf culture wrapped up in a podcast. Presented by Jed Smith and Vaughan Blakey, both of whom are respected surf journalists, the show has built a core following called the "Swellian Army". This dedicated group of listeners have rocked up to some of the Australian WSL comps to cheer on their countrymen and women, plus attend the live podcast recordings in their droves.
And it's these live shows that are probably the most interesting and fun episodes. They basically fill a large Australian pub with hundreds of surf fans and get some really good guests to appear on stage and be interviewed in front of the lively, beer-fuelled crowd.
Their other episodes, such as 'Blitzed', which dissects recent surf contests.
Yes it's very "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie", but it's laid back style makes it a good listen.
3. The Lineup
The Lineup, presented by Dave Prodan, is the WSL's own audio output. So naturally it has a bias to promote their contests, content and partners, but the trade off is they do get access to some really good guests.
It's predominately an interview format, with Dave (the WSL's Chief Strategy Officer) speaking to a range of current CT surfers, judges, former contest surfers and other surf legends from across the sport.
As you would expect, it covers the latest WSL comp's in detail, which gives you a good insight if you are a fan of watching the tour or professional surfing in general.
There's nearly 300 episodes to listen back to, so plenty of choice to find your favourite surfers or even just take a lucky dip.
4. Confessions of a Surf Lady
Confessions of a Surf Lady is billed as being "the first women's surfing podcast" and has attracted over 50,000 downloads from listeners across the globe.
It's a place for women who surf to confess and openly share their thoughts and experiences. The format sees host Laura Day, and guests, take anonymous confessions on different topics and discuss them.
They state that they want to "tell an authentic story of the female surfer and represent you, how you want to represented", and this definitely comes across in each episode.
Previous topics have included 'how to beat that surf slump', 'how to read a surf break' and 'overcoming ocean trauma and fear in the lineup'.
5. The Grit!
If you're a fan of the irreverent and very much tongue-in-cheek surf website, then there's a good chance you will love it's podcast.
The Grit! is a twice monthly show presented by Davie Lee Scales and Chas Smith where they take the best headlines from BeachGrit and discuss them.
It's been broadcasting since 2018, with over 300 episodes, so there's plenty to dive into in terms of a back catalogue, but because it's typically tackling the hot topic of the moment, you'd probably be best just pick up on the latest one.
As one reviewer describes it: "Always entertaining and refreshingly irreverent take on current affairs in the surf world and anything else that warrants attention."
Have you got a favourite surf podcast not mentioned here? Hit us up on our socials to tell us.
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Surf Culture