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10 Over Surf Shop Blog

Best Surf Beaches UK

Best Surf Beaches UK

When you think of the United Kingdom, epic surf isn’t usually the first thing that springs to mind. Maybe rolling green expanses, or ancient stately homes, but not above average waves. Well there you’d be wrong, because all across the UK there are nugs that rival some of the best in the world, at least we like to think so. 

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Best Surf Beach In Cornwall

Best Surf Beach In Cornwall

Distilling the best surf beaches in Cornwall down to an undisputed champion is a nigh impossible task, but we’ve done our best to come up with a winner, in our eyes. Feel free to dispute this amongst fellow wave riders. Now, before we dive right in (pardon the pun) and announce our favourite, we should mention the runners-up, because Cornwall has a plethora of incredible surf beaches at its disposal...

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Exciting news for the British and global longboarding community

Exciting news for the British and global longboarding community

A refreshing new digital platform called Longboarder Magazine has launched this week.

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